History of Community Church
Ten worshipers started meeting in homes in 1920, moved to a dilapidated schoolhouse at the south end of town, and in 1949, with the financial help of the Yoder brothers, built the present sanctuary, which carries their name on the cornerstone. On February 12, 1928, with 27 charter members, it became affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (once known as the Northern Church) and was incorporated on February 3, 1937.
Our Core Values
“With God’s help, we strive to be a team of disciples who follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We seek to be Christ-like in all our relationships by demonstrating the love that is welcoming, unselfish, unconditional, and non-judgmental. We pray that all our actions reflect humility, honesty, and the values expressed in God’s Word. We seek to be a church that:
Loves God
Protects the Environment
Cares for the Poor
Forgives Often
Rejects Racism
Fights for the Powerless
Shares Earthly and Spiritual Resources
Embraces Diversity
Enjoys this Life!
Wherever we go, God is sending us. Wherever we are, God put us there for a purpose. Christ who indwells us has something He wants to do through us wherever we are.
We are currently in search of transitional pastor. Until then we host a variety of pastors from the local area to deliver our Sunday sermons.
Julie Fulks
Office Manager
Julie has background in bookkeeping and building construction. She and her husband Scot have been members for over 15 years and served in many volunteer capacities. Julie is a people person, great cook and organizer .
Jean Wittmaier
Interim Musician
Susan Sapp
Susan has worked at First Presbyterian, Leesburg for many years. She graduated from the Medical College of Virginia with a bachelor's degree and worked in health care administration
for 30 years. She is married to
Danny Sapp, has 2 grown children and 5 grandchildren. She enjoys spending time with family, reading and walking. Susan loves helping others and serving the Lord
Rev. Bob Merrell
Pastor Emeritus
Bob was born and raised in Leesburg, FL. He was ordained in 1955 and served churches in NC and FL until beginning his service as a chaplain in the US Air Force in 1962. He retired at the rank of Colonel in 1990. He has continued his work as a pastor in various places since then. He was Supply Pastor for Howey Community Church 1997- 2004 and came back as a temporary pastor between 2012-2014. Bob and his wife, Gail, live in Fruitland Park. They have many children, grandchildren. and great-grandchildren.
Offering 4-Hunger
A monthly “5 Cents a Meal” offering is collected during worship. These funds help support local, national, and global efforts to address hunger wherever it is found.
Homeless Outreach
This congregation assembles “Blessings in a Bag” that are available to pass out to homeless people we encounter along the way. Bags include socks, canned food and toiletries…etc..
Our Deacons along with others offer support & encouragement to those in need. Our “care recipients” are contacted at least once a month. Cards are mailed to all including for Birthday celebrations.
Several times a year we plan & support community-wide outreach events:
Annual Pet Blessing Service
Outdoor Easter Sunrise Service
Trunk or Treat Community Event
Live Nativity Scene Outdoor
Thrift Sale
Other Outreach Donations
Four times a year we accept donations for these PCUSA Causes:
One Great Hour of Sharing
"Disaster Relief and Hunger"
Pentecost Offering
"Evangelism and Youth"
Peacemaking Offering
"Local and Global Efforts"
Christmas Offering
"Supports retired church workers"
Other Outreach uses of our facilities
Several Groups regularly use our facilities: AA groups, Local Police Force, Civic Club among others.
Spiritual Formation
Reaching In to become more like Christ
We are committed to lifelong discipleship.
There is no expiration date on growing into the likeness of Christ. We offer the following opportunities to grow:
At all monthly Ministry Team meetings, there is Bible study and prayer
Children have a monthly Sunday School time
There is an emphasis on practicing prayer in all aspects of our life together.
Congregational involvement in church's monthly food distribution.
Hosting a monthly food distribution sponsored by Lake Cares.
Contact the Church Office for more information
Hospitality Reaching Out to Serve Others
Mission & Outreach
Reaching Out To Serve Others
Our Food Ministries have expanded over the last year. Twice a month our campus is formally open to those who are food insecure. Individuals or families have access to canned goods, meat, produce, bakery items, and paper goods.
One of those weeks we partner with the largest “free food distributor in our county, “Lake Cares.” // We are one of their offsite locations for their extensive outreach to over 11,000 families per year. On the other week, our long-standing “Howey Food Pantry” cares for about 100 people per month.